1968 - 1978
1968 - Neighbor for Neighbor (NFN) incorporates as an Oklahoma non profit corporation. Father Dan is relieved of parish work and moves to "Rock" house next door to St. Judes at 1506 East 46th Street North. NFN opens a gasoline station, but it closes because of competition down the street.
1969 - An injunction is filed against NFN, Father Dan Allen and Maynard Ungerman for repairing vehicles on the church parking lot. NFN argues in court against the injunction on the basis that helping the poor is the purpose of a church. Maynard Ungerman was in court questioning "What is a living gospel?" Many witnesses testified on NFN's behalf including Catholic priests and representatives from the Protestant National Conference of Churches.
Dan strives for practical application of living gospel. There were three guys stealing NFN blind every night. Dan hid and watched. Never was an engine dropped so fast. Dan made a deal with them - for every three cars they broke down for NFN, they received the fourth car for free. Our first economic development project. Were they disappointed when we lost our court fight!
1970 - NFN initiates drive to force the City to furnish water and sewer service for poor communities such as Mohawk Heights, where NFN volunteers dug trenches and laid water and sewage lines for 48 families with money the volunteers raised.
1971 - NFN opens medical free clinic. NFN attempts a credit union which proves unfeasible for the long run because there is not enough money through that medium to help the neighborhood. NFN applies and receives 501(c)(3) tax status.
1972 - NFN starts its credit counseling program which is later incorporated by other entities. The NFN Medical Clinic begins offering medication assistance. NFN Dental Clinic opens. Board members work on school integration and develop the "Magnet School" concept.
1973 - CBS produced documentary describes NFN as the "most unique" program in the country.
During an interview with Dan, Troy Gordon of the Tulsa World, a well-dressed man introduces himself and stays an hour asking Dan questions. When he leaves Dan asks "Who was that?". Seems it was the famous Chicago columnist, Sidney Harris.
1974 - Start of "Give a Damn", a yearly fundraising drive by Church of the Resurrection to raise money to cover NFN's staff salaries. Give a Damn buttons were given out at church and some children were sent home from school for "wearing such a button". The local bank refused to open an account "with such a name". We've come a long way, baby!
1976 - Boston Avenue Methodist Church creates and staffs Monday Night Medical and Dental Clinics at NFN which have continued for 32 years.
1978 - 1988
1981- 2nd Harvest Food Bank concept arrives in Tulsa and opens in a used pre-fab building that is brought to the NFN property.
1983- 2nd Harvest spins off to independent status and changes its name to the "Tulsa Community Food Bank". CBS produces a second documentary about NFN called "Look up & Live".
1984- NFN creates the Women's Project to give the poor a voice for equal wages. Mitch Miller conducts the Tulsa Philharmonic Orchestra benefit for NFN called "Neighborly Night of Gershwin".
1986- Auto maintenance program, "Blue Cross for Autos", eats our lunch - and closes.
1987- Investigation and demand for the Tulsa Public Housing Authority to provide "safe, sanitary, wholesome atmosphere" in public housing projects. Results in the appointment of a new chairman of the Public Housing Authority, who redefines its operational goals.
1998 - 2008
2001 - NFN starts its Literacy Program by creating its own phonics workbooks and audio cassettes/CD's in English and Spanish.
Gloria Caldwell spends every Wednesday for two years providing a voice for the poor in the debate regarding deregulation of electric utilities which resulted in its defeat, helping to keep prices under control.
2002 - NFN starts a Book Fair to promote literacy and provide free books --- complete with pony rides and spontaneous music provided by the attendees.
2003 - NFN purchases the Northland Shopping Center in order to provide a new home for NFN, as well as a place for community services and new economic development in North Tulsa.
NFN started the Millennium House Project: a proto-type wind resistant, energy efficient, affordable house for the working poor.
2004 - NFN moved its programs to a newly renovated 40,000 sq. ft. space at Northland.
NFN Family Assistance enhances utility assistance for 100s more families each year---who otherwise would get their utilities cut off.
NFN sponsors a North Tulsa Youth Soccer League.
NFN sponsors a Neighborhood festival called "Neighborfest".
NFN started its Art Equity Program and opens the NFN Art Clinic.
Resurrection Church plans the first Dinner & Diagnosis Event in order to support the Dan Allen Free Clinic.
The old NFN facility on 46th Street North is burned down as a training exercise for firefighters of Tulsa.
2005 - NFN expands its free book project to the lobby where free books are provided to NFN clients so that they can create/enhance their home libraries.
2006 - NFN offers struggling families hope during the Christmas season with free gifts, family photos and tickets to the Nutcracker Ballet.
Saint Johns Medical Center builds an Imaging Center at Northland in order to provide free MRI, Cat Scans and X-rays for NFN as well as other Free Clinics.
NFN implements new and improved standards and procedures for each program in order to provide enhanced services. After many years of planning,
NFN computerizes and networks its Family Assistance Program. NFN offers educational materials and walk-in medical assistance at the NFN Children's Health Fairs.
2007 - Oklahoma University announces plans to build a specialty clinic at Northland. NFN partners with the Tulsa Library and BOK to deliver more books to NFN's clients.
NFN provides two Children's Health Fairs. Family Assistance Program expands its financial counseling and job referral components. Minor surgical room is added in Dan Allen Free Clinic.
2008 - NFN enlarges its Food Packing Room so that larger parcels can be divided for clients in the Food Store. This will help NFN stretch the dollar in order to further serve our brothers and sisters in need. NFN partners with OU to share a Physician Assistant that works at NFN for 20 hours each week to increase the daytime medical clinics. NFN launches its Life Skills Program by hiring a life skills area and emphasizing healthy living with cooking classes, goal setting interactive groups and life skills coaching.
1988 - 1998
1988 - NFN's version of Parade of Homes fills a bus to show civic leaders and officials the conditions of North-side homes - and the difference between HUD funding used on the south sides of Tulsa compared to the funding used on the north sides of Tulsa (ORU apartments vs. low income housing).
1990 - NFN Legal Clinic opens in a used pre-fabricated building (the pre-fabricated building was previously the old highway patrol building on 31st & Memorial which was moved to the NFN property on 46th Street).
1993 - NFN starts a housing program to promote home ownership in North Tulsa
1994 - "Safe House" concept is developed. NFN assists and tutors children in the homes of community leaders. The "Safe House" project lasted for 6 years before being turned over to the community.
1995 - Dan Allen, NFN director and founder, dies.
1996 - NFN Clinic affiliates with the University of Oklahoma's Internal Medicine Clinic. The NFN Dental program adds a children's dental clinic.
1997 - NFN attempts a micro lending program which provides budding entrepreneurs vital information about business planning and responsibilities. Six AmeriCorps workers and four AmeriCorps VISTA workers are assigned to NFN to work with the Safe House & Housing Programs.
NFN starts the North Tulsa Youth Baseball League with its partners Young Life and Tulsa Urban League which is later adopted by the community.
2009 - Present
2009 - NFN build out a 4,800 square feet space in order to provide a commercial kitchen and class rooms for its Life Skills Program. This program has grown to be one of NFN’s largest services.
Over the last 10 years NFN’s life skills program provided classes and services regarding how to mitigate and break harmful patterns that are stopping people from a more successful healthier life. Since its inception until 2017, NFN’s Life Skills Program has provided 480,000 services. These services included
Coaching and instructions for job search and interview preparation, budgeting, addiction, communication, stress reduction, business etiquette, heath, nutrition and cooking.
Stress reduction exercise classes. Different stress related problems often contribute to poor health and education which then hinder the ability to see better choices – these topics are incorporated in the classes.
Special classes for medical enrichment or emergencies in the neighborhood.
Job Placement specialist arranged interviews and follow up measures to help our clients find jobs.
Cooking preparation demonstrations and thousands of meals every year.
Business clothing provided for job interviews or work.
Cooking demonstrations and meals with food pantry vouchers.
Daily job opportunities lists.
Referrals to other NFN Programs or other non-profits for additional needs.
2009 - Present Continued
2009 - Santa Days: NFN’s Family Christmas Party started small and has grown to 4 nights and approximately 100 families signed up for each night. There is a holiday movie and refreshments for the families to watch while they are waiting to see Santa. Each child receives his or her picture taken with Santa and each family receives a color family portrait in a photo sleeve. Presents for each child are given to the parents with wrapping paper and tape, so that the parents will be the ones giving the gifts to their own children rather than it coming from NFN. Food boxes for a turkey dinner or other special treats for the families are provided depending on the donations available.
2009 - After NFN sold the University of Oklahoma some of its Northland Center to build the OU Clinic, NFN incorporated more OU medical volunteers into NFN’s clinics for complete training and support in preparation for the opening of the OU Tisdale Clinic.
2010 - NFN Minor Surgery Program: NFN enlarged its minor surgery program to several days a week. These surgeries made a profound difference in many lives. Everything from ingrown toenails that keeping men from being able to work; removal of multiple skin tags that looked like a deformity; and abscesses, hemorrhoids, mole removal…and many more.
2010 - BMI and exercise classes: As part of NFN’s health education, NFN provided instruction on clients body mass index “BMI” how changing habits such as nutritious eating and exercise can effect your health.
2010 - GED Program – in partnership with Tulsa Public Schools: NFN provided a GED program for hundreds of our clients over the years when we partnered with TPS.
2010 - NFN’s Work Placement Program – in partnership with DHS: In partnership with DHS, NFN provided hundreds of people with the skills and clothing and actual interviews with companies. Many of our applicants were able to start working.
2014 - NFN Optical Program. In addition to eye exams and glasses, NFN added placements for glaucoma and cataract surgery in order to better help clients with more serious eye problems.
For 50 years, NFN has been blessed by all the letters and reports we get from past clients who have benefited from our services. When their lives change so do all the lives they touch. Community changing one life at a time. NFN has helped thousands and thousands of people take the next step out of poverty and into a better and healthier life.
For 50 years, NFN remains on the front lines helping our neighbors who are struggling in need of a better and healthier life.
For 50 years, NFN provides a real life application to the spiritual principals of caring for your neighbors in need.
For 50 years, NFN has been thankful to be here to help and grateful for the support of kind donors and volunteers. Caring?